As far as announcements for 2017 go, it doesn’t get much bigger and better than Phace’s latest EP for Blackout entitled Plastic Acid. Due out on 27th January, this new body of work is destined to be a dynamic and essential part of every self-respecting DJ’s record box.

Phace fans will be aware of what is about to invade their ear canals, and they will welcome it gladly with open arms. Tech-inspired and faultlessly energetic, this massive EP aims to set the standard for 2017 with a range of bone crushing beats and face melting basslines to really take dancefloors to the next level. Having garnered support for his work from the likes of Friction, UKF and more in the past, it’s safe to say that the major players will be jumping all over Plastic Acid to rule the dance.

All four tracks have the might to invade the download charts en masse, from the growl of Beyond Number and the title track, Plastic Acid, to the driving rhythms of Connected and Sun Searching. Each beat, bar, break and bassline is a testament to Phace’s quality in an ever-expanding pool of DNB talent and goes a long way to explaining why he is such a well-respected name for fans and peers alike.